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Webinar: New tools for the development of railway hubs!


The UrbFrail project has been exploring the use of rail freight hubs in inner cities. During the meeting project members will present the tools that the has been developed in order to support the work of community and transport planners in developing freight hubs. Welcome to register!

Arranged by 
Rail Sweden, Lindholmen Science Park
Foto som visar järnvägsspår med ett godståg i bakgrunden

Photo: Trafikverket

In the UrbFRail project, the four cities of Berlin, Stockholm, Warsaw and Katowice have joined forces to investigate how the use of rail freight hubs can be increased in urban areas. By using rail further into the city, smaller and more environmentally friendly vehicles can be used for the ‘last mile’, freeing up capacity on congested roads in densely populated areas.