Now Digital Automatic Couplers (DAC) are being tested in multiple locations for broad European launch. The test in Sweden plays a vital role in the development and authorization process of DAC. An important part of authorisation is to make sure that the coupler can handle harsh weather conditions and heavy loads. Therefore, tests are now starting on the steel shuttle in the north of Sweden. The test is a part of FP5 TRANS4M-R which is enabled by Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking.
Green Cargo is testing its digital automatic coupling on the steel shuttle. Photo: Maria Lindholm/Green Cargo
Digitalisation and automation of rail freight is crucial for the competitiveness of European industries. DAC enables automatic coupling and uncoupling of wagons and electrification and data transfer through the train. Automating processes like the brake tests and coupling activities, removes manual steps which today are time-consuming and physically demanding in a hazardous working environment. The electrification between wagons also enables the use of better braking systems, allowing longer and heavier trains, improving railway capacity, and strengthening competitiveness.
Molley Williams, Project Manager for FP5 TRANS4M-R, an innovation project within the framework of the EU-Rail explains:
- To use DAC for more efficient European freight systems we first have to test and demonstrate that we have a robust, reliable, safe product and secure processes. This commercial demonstrator is a crucial step in the authorisation process for the coming pioneer trains.
The demonstrator is a part of EU-Rail´s vision to introduce more DAC-equipped trains in Europe from 2026/2027 in preparation for a wider implementation and modernisation of rail freight.
The commercial steel shuttle that is included in this demonstration has daily departures with steel slabs from SSAB's steel mill in Luleå to the production site in Borlänge. The one-way transport distance is just over 1000 kilometres, on the mainline in the north of Sweden which is featuring challenging terrain with both curves and inclines in parts. As the north of Sweden also endures temperatures down to –35 during winter, weather is posing a great challenge for any mechanics and materials. In addition to these challenges, the steel cargo is also considered the heaviest freight train outside of the ore traffic, measuring up to 3800 tonnes.
Green Cargo is Sweden’s largest rail operator and responsible for the operation of this commercial DAC demonstrator. Björn Landström, project manager at Green Cargo explains,
- Green Cargo is proud to be involved in driving the development of safer and more efficient freight rail transport. With the confidence from SSAB, the steel shuttle transport provides the project with unique insights that will be important for decision-making in the next phase.
The demonstrator starts with two pairs of DAC’s from the manufacturers Dellner and Voith and over the course of the project more wagon pairs will be updated with DAC’s from different suppliers.
The demonstration of DAC in a commercial steel shuttle is the result of a collaboration between Green Cargo, Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration), Rail Sweden, Svensk Maskinprovning and the suppliers of the couplers. The Swedish Transport Agency who has also been included throughout the process, state that approving such testing activities in commercial traffic on public tracks are necessary to ensure that the technologies work in the regions specific challenging conditions.
The FP5 TRANS4M-R project aims to establish rail freight as the backbone of a low-emission, resilient European logistics chain. It will develop and demonstrate technologies, including Full Digital Freight Train Operation and seamless freight operation, using Digital Automatic Coupler enabled solutions. The project will strengthen cross-border coordination and optimize rail network management, aiming for a single EU rail freight technology framework with managed interfaces. It will deliver on the rail freight sector's commitment to increase modal split share to 50% by 2030.
Jonas Eriksson, Project manager, Rail Sweden at Lindholmen Science Park,+46 733 89 60 63
Stephan Ray, Head of Communications & Public Affairs, Green Cargo
Jan Bergstrand, Senior Strategist, Trafikverket, +46 707 45 32 65
The project is supported by the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking and its members.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.