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Watch the video and presentations from DAC lunch webinar

Thursday, May 23, 2024

This meeting focused on technical progress, implementation plan and the financial aspects which will make DAC the European standard. The implementation work is multifaceted and requires several European actors to synchronize both in terms of migration and technical development. Watch the film and update yourself on the status, ongoing work and plans. 

Watch the recorded presentations from the meeting.

The Digital Automatic Coupler (DAC) is an enabler to create a more efficient, sustainable and competitive European railway freight system that meets the needs of rising transport volumes.

Presentation to download below
The film includes these topics:

12.00 Welcome and an introduction to Rail Sweden
Anna Björkman, Program Manager, Rail Sweden

12.05 Status FP5-TRANS4M-R - Now and when it´s finalised
Molley Williams, Europe’s Rail Flagship Project Manager

12.20 The future of rail freight - the next steps in the European DAC Delivery Programme
Jens Engelmann, EDDP Programme Manager, railiable GmbH

12.35 Introduction to market - Migrationplan 
Helge Stuhr, Migration Digital Automatic Coupling, DB Cargo

12.55 Closing of the meeting
Anna Björkman, Program Manager, Rail Sweden

The event was organised by Lindholmen Science Park in co-operation with Trafikverket. The meeting was held in English.

Foto som visar 6 personer som föreläste vid Rail Swedens lunchwebinarium 22 maj

From the left: Tove Wahlén, coordinator of the meeting, Anna Björkman, Program Manager for Rail Sweden, Helge Stuhr, DB Cargo, Jens Engelmann, EDDP Programme Manager, railiable GmbH, Molley Williams, Europe’s Rail Flagship Project Manager and Jan Bergstrand, Trafikverket.  

This event was funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.