The project is set to advance the full digitalization of freight train operations in Europe enabled by digital automatic couplers (DAC). The aim is to enable Pioneer DAC trains in 2026/2027 as part of a pre-deployment phase before full implementation by executing required additional tests to the complementary project FP5-TRANS4M-R.
FP5-DACtiVate project brings together 21 European partners from end-users, large industry, railway undertakings to operators and wagon keepers, unions, SMEs, and research, thus covering the entire value chain.
The project is set to advance the full digitalization of freight train operations in Europe enabled by digital automatic couplers (DAC). The aim is to enable Pioneer DAC trains in 2026/2027 as part of a pre-deployment phase before full implementation by executing required additional tests to the complementary project FP5-TRANS4M-R.
Tasks within the project includes test activities supporting the DAC authorization process, the interchangeability of DAC components, tests with hybrid couplers and locomotives, along with a task to expand the number of components needed within FP5-TRANS4M-Rs system architecture.
The work is divided into five focus areas
1. Dedicated tests validating the readiness of the DAC technology for pioneer DAC trains. The aim is to build trust in the solutions and demonstrate the fulfilment of the defined requirements.
2. Initial tests to gain first results of interchangeability of DAC interface A coupler head/shank and draft gear across different DAC suppliers with the main goal to demonstrate the modular approach on subsystem level.
3. Provide a locomotive platform for testing hybrid DACspåå and the defined basic package for pioneer DAC train operations. Design a solution for a locomotive-control unit and an interoperable human machine interface that works within existing locomotive fleet.
4. Enable digitalisation for the tests and demonstrations of FP5-TRANS4M-R by manufacturing and providing prototypes of wagon control units.
5. Provide a shunting locomotive for tests in real operations of the hybrid DAC and the defined basic package. Integrate a solution for a locomotive control unit and an interoperable human machine interface within existing locomotive fleet.
Project time:
2024 - 2026
Project manager and contact
Anna Björkman
Funded by the European Union and Trafikverket, the Swedish Transport Administration.
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