This is Rail Sweden
Rail Sweden is a neutral project collaborator focusing on knowledge and innovation related to rail freight. We work to create collaborations that accelerates a sustainable, smart freight supplychain in Sweden and Europe.
Welcome to Rail Sweden where we believe in the pivotal role of railways in building a sustainable logistics system. As an energy-efficient and robust mode of transportation, the railway complements various other transport modes. Our aim is to foster a competitive and reliable rail system.
Knowledge hub build on implemented innovation
To create an accessible and efficient railway network, technological advancements are paramount. Trafikverket is our key partner and we appreciate our long and close collaboration. Together we are actively engaged in numerous initiatives and partnerships both within Sweden and at the European level. Examples include connected train wagons and automated coupling of train sets.
Rail Sweden aims to solve the railway challenges and accelerate the application of new railway technology. We do this to promote a shift from road to rail and make existing systems more efficient, which contributes to achieve the Global goals and the Green Deal.
We work with several large projects where we innovate in order to increase capacity and efficiency through digitization and automation of freight transport within Europe. We place great emphasis on the implementation of digital automatic couplers (DAC). DAC enables a higher level of automation and digitization as well as technology and solutions to increase communication and transparency within the rail freight. Working within large projects which has an innovative approach also builds new knowledge, understanding and insights. It's Rail Sweden's ambition to contribute to increased knowledge related to rail freigt and provide a knowledge hub where actors within the sector can meet and learn from each other.
Rail Sweden is a newly started program. It is hosted by Lindholmen Science Park, which is an arena where academia, business- and public collaborate across geographical borders. Several leading development projects are being run within this arena, with a focus on future mobility for people and goods.