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Accelerating rail innovation through collaboration

Landskap med en järnväg som går igenom

Rail Sweden is a neutral project collaborator focusing on knowledge and innovation related to rail freight. We work to create collaborations that accelerates a sustainable, smart freight supplychain in Sweden and Europe. We do this by participating in large projects focusing on innovations within automation and digitalisation to increase the railway's capacity and efficiency.

Foto som visar järnvägsspår med ett godståg i bakgrunden

Webinar: New tools for the development of railway hubs!

The UrbFrail project has been exploring the use of rail freight hubs in inner cities. During the meeting project members will present the tools that the has been developed in order to support the work of community and transport planners in developing freight hubs.
AI bild som visar uppkopplade tåg

Deep dive into Seamless Operations - enabling digital rail freight

The rail freight industry is critical to Europe’s logistics network and plays a vital role in reducing carbon emissions and advancing sustainability goals. Seamless operations are essential to ensure rail freight remains competitive, reliable, and environmentally friendly.
Foto som visar ett digitalt automatkoppel, dvs håller ihop tågvagnarna

Digital Automatic Couplers in test operation for European Launch

Now Digital Automatic Couplers (DAC) are being tested in multiple locations for broad European launch. The test in Sweden plays a vital role in the development and authorization process of DAC. An important part of authorisation is to make sure that the coupler can handle harsh weather conditions and heavy loads. Therefore, tests are now starting on the steel shuttle in the north of Sweden.
Foto på DAC-kopplet som håller ihop godsjärnvägsvagnar

Tomorrow's Digital Freight Trains Tested in Sweden!

The first demonstration train equipped with digital automatic couplers is now running on the Nässjö-Gothenburg route. These couplers enable electrification and data transfer between the carriages, creating opportunities to enhance both safety and railway capacity, while contributing to societal benefits and increased competitiveness.
Foto som visar vilka 6 personer som var med och presenterade på mötet

Innovative Freight Assets - an overview of facts and news

This webinar focused on multimodal hydrogen containers, automation through the self-propelled wagon and aerodynamic energy-efficient wagons designs for safety and efficient driving practices. Watch the film, download the presentation and update yourself on the status, ongoing work and plans.
Foto på ett automatkoppel, dvs den anordning som håller ihop tågvagnarna

Deep dive into the Digital Automatic Coupler

The Digital Automatic Coupler (DAC) is an enabler to create a modern, more efficient, sustainable and competitive European rail freight system. In this article we explain how it is possible for DAC to be this important enabler and how it can make rail meet the needs of an increased amount of sustainable transport.